Emilia-Romagna Region at EXPO 2020 Dubai
October 2021 - March 2022
With more than 28 international events and initiatives, 4 institutional missions, more than 50 companies involved, plus 32 territorial stakeholders including universities, regional clusters, the trade fair world and the agri-food system, cultural foundations, and artistic and natural heritage, Emilia-Romagna brought knowledge and excellence to EXPO, presenting itself as a region capable of competing in the world on priority issues for the future such as innovation, ecological and digital transition, and skills, putting the well-being of all citizens and the value of inclusion at the center.
The Emilia-Romagna Region at EXPO DUBAI
The Emilia-Romagna region has been present for the six-month duration of the Universal Expo with numerous activities and events that were concentrated in particular in October, December, January and February. ➔


Published on 21 April 2022
Expo 2020 Dubai: 6 mesi di eventi e iniziative, missioni istituzionali per la ripartenza dopo la pandemia
Un impegno condiviso con tutti gli stakeholder regionali e realizzato da ART-ER, che ha mostrato a livello internazionale il sistema di valori del nostro territorio

Published on 29 March 2022
The Emilia-Romagna Region at INVESTOPIA, the international investment summit between governments, investors and businesses
The Region has been personally invited by the Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, on the occasion of a meeting in Milan on February 7th

Published on 22 March 2022
Intellectual property: Italian public research is awarded in Dubai
2 of the 7 winners come from the University of Bologna
01 | 10 | 21
Italy Pavilion Opening Ceremony
Ribbon-cutting opening ceremony of the Italy Pavilion. The Emilia-Romagna Region will participate with partner regions and institutions to a Special Grand Tour of the Italy Pavilion during which for the first time, its installations will be displayed and explained by the experts who have conceived, designed and built them. The presence of the Emilia-Romagna Region […]
15 | 10 | 21
SHARE: Sustainability Health and AgRicolturE
The event dedicated to the SHARE (Sustainability Health and AgRicolturE) project aims at demonstrating that the agrifood model of the Emilia-Romagna Region adopts innovative solutions from farm to fork. The project, based on the educational offer proposed by the universities and on the innovative research in the agrifood field of the universities involved in the […]
06 | 11 | 21
The Firebird
About twenty-five years since its debut and fifteen years since its second production, Emilia-Romagna Region and the Italian Ministry of Culture re-propose for EXPO Dubai, within the national project on puppetry arts and theatre animation, The Firebird, one of the most important and popular productions by Teatro Gioco Vita, among the first Italian realities to be protagonist of the movement of theatrical animation.
08 | 12 | 21
MUNER – Italian Motor Valley Excellence for education and innovation in automotive and sustainable mobility
Learning by Doing and Interactive Innovation with MUNER- Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna.Assemble and experience in Augmented Reality a FSAE racing car or motorcycle together with the best students and educators of the Italian Motor Valley. During the “Learning by doing” experience, visitors will wear last generation helmets for augmented reality, sanitized in compliance with the […]
09 | 12 | 21
“Icons made in Emilia-Romagna: motor – food – sport valley & luxury travel” – B2B Tourism Workshop
The Emilia-Romagna Region during Dubai Expo 2020 Mission, along with the official program, will also focus on marketing activities promoting the Region as Tourist Destination. APT Servizi Emilia-Romagna Regional Tourism Board will organize a B2B Workshop on Luxury Travel, Motor & Food Valley of Emilia-Romagna. Sellers from the Region will have the opportunity to meet […]