Expo 2020 Dubai: 6 mesi di eventi e iniziative, missioni istituzionali per la ripartenza dopo la pandemia

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Published on 21 April 2022

The presence of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Dubai has been a great opportunity for the entire regional system. A commitment shared with all stakeholders and realized by ART-ER, which has shown internationally the system of values of our territory that holds together institutions, companies, universities, the world of research and innovation, industrial and productive supply chains, culture and creativity.

With over 28 international events and initiatives, 4 institutional missions, more than 50 companies involved, in addition to universities and regional clusters, the world of trade fairs and the agri-food system, cultural foundations and the artistic and natural heritage, Emilia-Romagna has brought to EXPO knowledge and excellence,  presenting itself as a region able to compete in the world on priority issues for the future such as innovation, ecological and digital transition and skills, focusing on the well-being of all citizens and the value of inclusion.

A ‘humanitarian platform’ was presented that unites companies capable of proposing solutions for health emergencies

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Published on 31 March 2022

A model capable of bringing together, even on an international scale, demand and supply of health products during emergencies. This starting from a practice carried out in Italy during the pandemic to cope with the health crisis.

This is the experience of 25 Italian companies, 9 of which made in Emilia-Romagna (list attached), which, as part of the broader U.S. program USAID’s Covid-19 Response in Italy Invest, have, including through production reconversions, contributed to the development and implementation of key solutions to combat the pandemic: from masks to rapid tests, from innovative sanitization systems to special bio-containment stretchers for the movement of patients.

The initiative has been promoted and financed with 10 million dollars by the United States Government through the Usaid Agency (United States Agency for International Development).

The Emilia-Romagna Region at INVESTOPIA, the international investment summit between governments, investors and businesses

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Published on 29 March 2022

The event, organized by the UAE with the aim of promoting global investment, was attended by intellectuals and experts from around the world, as well as government officials, institutional investors, market leaders, startups and SMEs, social entrepreneurs and other stakeholders.

Regional Councillor for Economic Development Vincenzo Colla, speaking on behalf of President Stefano Bonaccini, presented the regional strategies for the promotion of international investment, strengthening the Region’s positioning as a partner of the United Arab Emirates and the entire Menasa area (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia). 

From Emilia-Romagna to Dubai to meet the best practices of agriculture 4.0

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Published on 08 March 2022

Participants will visit some cutting-edge companies for agricultural production, in an area where the scarcity of fertile land and water resources has pushed companies to apply innovative technologies to produce fresh and quality food. Dubai, with its over 3 million inhabitants belonging to around 200 different nationalities, represents a market of demanding and attentive consumers.
For this reason, in recent years, high-tech companies have sprung up to compete with climate change.

Among the leading companies born with these objectives “Jebel Ali M”, the largest desalination plant in the UAE, “Badia Farm” the most important hydroponic company in the world and the“Al Rawabi” farm , one of the leading dairy  and fruit juices companies in the country.
The visit will be an opportunity to deepen the themes of technological innovation and environmental sustainability – main theme of EXPO 2020 in Duba

The beauty of italian regions at Expo 2020 Dubai

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Published on 23 February 2022

As a demonstration of the important role that the Regions have within the Italian Pavilion, the Commissariat General organizes on 26 February, with the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Autonomies and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, an event for the promotion and presentation of the regional participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, starting from the enhancement of the model of development and innovation constituted by the Regional Productive Clusters.

The event will also be an opportunity to compare the Italian experience of the Regional Clusters with the growing presence of Technology Districts, incubators, accelerators on the territory of the United Arab Emirates and in particular in the City of Dubai, designated to consolidate its role as a hub for innovation and the flow of investment from the ME.NA.SA area to the Mediterranean countries.

See the program

Good food and sustainability: from Emilia-Romagna to Expo Dubai

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Published on 16 February 2022

The impact of current models of food production and consumption on the environment is the central theme of the international conference, scheduled on February 20 from 15 with live streaming on the Youtube channel of Clust-ER GREENTECH, with the interventions of international experts, which will conclude with a dinner with a sustainable menu by chef Sebastiano Ferlito in the space M-Eating Italy.

The event, aims to address, from different points of view, the issue of sustainability of the entire agri-food value chain through the demonstration of some best practices, from Emilia-Romagna and other European realities, related to primary production, processing, transport and trade of food, until consumption.

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Legacoop Emilia-Romagna, in partnership con Regione e ART-ER, all’Expo di Dubai

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Published on 14 February 2022

The delegation, led by the president and director of Legacoop Emilia-Romagna, Giovanni Monti and Barbara Lepri, includes some of the most significant cooperative enterprises of different sectors that bring to Dubai their experiences on innovation and sustainability.

“We bring to Dubai a great wealth of experiences and best practices – says the president of Legacoop Emilia-Romagna Giovanni Monti – that we want to make known to an international audience. Cooperation, particularly that of our region, has long taken the path of sustainability and the pursuit of the goals defined by the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The care for the environment, the regeneration of cities in an ecological key, social equity are part of our DNA. Today, thanks to technology and the use of big data, these goals seem to be more within reach, but they need to be well guided by values that are not those of profit at all costs”.

See the event

Personalized medicine: all the initiatives presented at the Italy Pavilion

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Published on 03 February 2022

A Dubai è stato presentato uno spaccato delle eccellenze regionali in settori d’avanguardia nella medicina personalizzata, attraverso gli interventi della Prof.ssa Graziella Pellegrini (Rebuilding the human body- min. ) e del dr Davide Adamo (Towards the airways reconstructions) dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, della Prof.ssa Valeria Raparelli (Highlight on gender medicine: research and education for appropriate cure) dell’Università di Ferrara e del Prof. Luca Lorenzini (The brain and its self-repair) dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna.
Insieme alle Università ha partecipato Silvano Zanuso della Wellness Foundation ed è stata messa in scena l’anteprima mondiale dell’emozionante spettacolo di teatro scienza intitolato “The medicine of the future”, prodotto dalla Compagnia Arditodesìo e diretto da Andrea Brunello, in scena con Tommaso Rosi.

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Health and wellness sector: Clust-ER Health at Expo

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Published on 28 January 2022

The regional Clust-ER participates in the Health and Wellness week, scheduled from January 24 to February 2, 2022 at Expo Dubai with a program that focuses on the sectors of biomedical, advanced therapies used for the purposes of regenerative and restorative medicine, big data and digital health, nutraceutical, veterinary pharmaceutical, orthopedic specialties, neuroscience and neurology. The Welness Foundation will also speak with a presentation of the Emilia-Romagna model of the Welness Valley The members organize initiatives with the involvement of various companies, SMEs and startups.  A preview of an augmented reality theatrical event on the medicine of the future directed by Andrea Brunello will be staged.

28/29 January starting at 10.30 am at the Auditorium and live streaming on the You Tube channel of Padiglione Italia.

Watch the live streaming of the first day>>

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Internet of Things. University projects at Expo Dubai

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Published on 25 January 2022

It will be a journey between connection and knowledge the one that the Universities of Emilia-Romagna will present at Padiglione Italia through the projection of videos that tell the application of IoT technologies in some areas ranging from robotics, computer vision, and sensors for cardiovascular monitoring of astronauts.

The event will be held on January 27th starting at 11 am and will be broadcast live streaming on the You Tube channel of Padiglione Italia.

See the program

Watch the videos of the projects:

Scene perception from images with deep-learning and its applications – University of Bologna 

Wearable sensor for monitoring cardiovascular adaptation during space flight – University of Ferrara 

Localization of things – University of Ferrara