Emilia-Romagna presents its future vision at Expo Dubai: advanced manufacturing opens up to new partnerships and investments

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Published on 06 January 2022

Emilia-Romagna will be present at Expo Dubai with a mission including top actors of its advanced mechanical eEmilia-Romagna will be present at Expo Dubai with a mission including top actors of its advanced mechanical engineering: Clust-ER MECH and Digital District Reggio Emilia, along with the Regional Government and its agency for investment promotion ART-ER.

The cluster is worldwide famous for the Motor Valley and innovative machinery, attracting important FDIs in recent years (e.g.: Silk EV-FAW, Philip Morris, BorgWarner). The mission, which includes a visit to Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (January 11), B2B meetings, a presentation event of projects and actors involved and networking at M-Eating Cibus, aims to promote international investments, research and development activities and training actions, as well as to initiate new partnerships and collaborations in the implementation of innovative projects with the UAE and other countries, generating opportunities for regional companies and R&D laboratories.

Invest in Emilia-Romagna
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Clust-ER Mech
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Digital District Reggio Emilia
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