Luogo: Italy Pavilion - Academy
Learning environments for digital innovation and STEAM education in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
Knowledge and Learning - Early Childhood Education
Learning environments for digital innovation and STEAM education in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
Knowledge and Learning - Early Childhood Education

12 December 2021
Progettare Zerosei, in collaboration with Bambini s.r.l., carries out a workshop addressed to teachers, school managers and the world of Early Childhood Education, presenting the Learning by Languages Method, based on the most advanced pedagogical theories and born in Reggio Emilia.
The workshop will present i-vulcani, a Learning by Languages brand product, designed to introduce children aged 3-8 to STEAM subjects and encourage the development of scientific thinking. i-vulcani is an interactive learning environment that integrates various innovative technologies to allow an immersive and perceptive learning experience through the use of lights, colours, smells, aromas, sounds, music. The workshop participants will discover how to use this tool with children during educational experiences through live demonstrations and videos.
During the workshop Bambini s.r.l. will present the educational platform Professional Social Learning, that allows the management and monitoring of training courses and plans for developing the skills of the various professional figures involved in infant-toddler centres and preschools. During the workshop it will be possible to access the digital contents, for the operating modes.
Italy Pavilion - Academy
Progettare Zerosei s.r.l.
Bambini s.r.l. Play + s.r.l. Legacoop Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna Region
12 December 2021
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“BIORISTOR” is an in vivo biosensor for plant sap monitoring
Agricoltura 4.0, Precision farming, Smart agriculture
“BIORISTOR” is an in vivo biosensor for plant sap monitoring
Agricoltura 4.0, Precision farming, Smart agriculture

28 February 2022
Bioristor is a biocompatible and flexible electrochemical device, which is inserted into the stem of the plants and is able to continuously and in real time monitor the composition of the plant sap. Plant sap is a liquid transported in the crystalline vessels of the plant (both xylem and phloem), the content of which is highly variable depending on the conditions in which the plant is found, influencing its physiological state. This technology allows to measure unprecedented data on the physiological condition of plants over a long period of time (the entire season).
Bioristor allows you to calculate the optimal irrigation, promptly detect drought stress and save up to 40% of water reserves. A fertilization optimization saves the fertilizers to be used by reducing soil pollution. Bioristor can also be used to prevent diseases and physiopathies, by understanding the health conditions of the plant.
During Expo 2020 Dubai, 16 biosensors will be installed inside the Giardino Italia to monitor different types of Mediterranean plants. The sensors will measure the health and irrigation status of the plants from the opening of the hall until the dedicated event of 26 February 2022, during which the CNR IMEM research group will present the results of all the recorded data and report on the characteristics of the measurements made for each plant.
Event type
Presentation, Workshop
Italy Pavilion - Academy
28 February 2022
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Smart Grid and Local Energy Community demonstrator through an immersive serious game
Global Goals - Smart Energy
Smart Grid and Local Energy Community demonstrator through an immersive serious game
Global Goals - Smart Energy

17 January 2022
The growing use of renewable sources for the production of electricity has made it necessary to adopt both an even more ‘intelligent’ management of electricity systems and a greater diffusion of storage systems to cope with the random nature of these sources (solar and wind). In particular, the increasing use of these technologies makes it necessary to manage energy flows coming from generation plants and their temporary storage through skilled professionals.
With a view to representing the triple mandate of universities to provide training, to cultivate scientific research and to promote technology transfer, the Universities elaborated a communication methodology that allows the skills of research groups in the field of “Smart Energy” to be presented to the public of the Italian Pavilion in a simple and captivating way through a serious game. The visitor-player is placed in front of choices to “manage” different situations and scenarios proposed by the game. Based on the choices that are made, the game shows the consequences of these choices and their energy and social impact.
The main targets of this project are high school students, university students, researchers and university professors, professionals working in the field of renewable energy and grid management, representatives of energy policy-making agencies, ordinary citizens interested in the field of energy.
Event type
Demonstration, Interactive Game, Presentation
Italy Pavilion - Academy
University of Ferrara
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Parma, Emilia-Romagna Region, ART-ER
17 January 2022
SHARE: Sustainability Health and AgRicolturE
Agricoltura 4.0
SHARE: Sustainability Health and AgRicolturE
Agricoltura 4.0

15-16 October 2021
The event dedicated to the SHARE (Sustainability Health and AgRicolturE) project aims at demonstrating that the agrifood model of the Emilia-Romagna Region adopts innovative solutions from farm to fork.
The project, based on the educational offer proposed by the universities and on the innovative research in the agrifood field of the universities involved in the project, has the primary objective of strengthening the image of the Emilia-Romagna Region as an international center of scientific and technological research in a context like Expo.
During the two days in the Italy Pavilion, representatives from the Universities will demonstrate that the agrifood model of the Emilia-Romagna Region adopts innovative solutions to make the whole supply chain “from farm to fork”, that is: sustainable from a production, economic and environmental point of view; resilient to climate change, while preserving the quality and gastronomic tradition; attentive to the improvement of nutritional aspects related to health; highly innovative in all processes.
The main expected result is the strengthening of the image of the Region as an international center of scientific and technological research.
The project is therefore aimed at both students, academic staff and researchers, the wider public of citizens and visitors, but also local and international entrepreneurs and professionals in the agrifood sector who will visit EXPO Dubai. The method of implementation, based mainly on videos, will make the contents accessible to all, so that the promotion of the Emilia-Romagna regional system in the agrifood sector has the maximum diffusion.
The event takes place in conjunction with the World Food Day and the Conference on the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition at the Anfiteatro of the Italy Pavilion.
Click here to see the SHARE related sub-projects.
Event type
Presentation, Workshop
Italy Pavilion - Academy
University of Parma
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, ART-ER, Emilia-Romagna Region
15-16 October 2021
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Cultural Heritage. Our Roots our Future
Global Goals - Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage. Our Roots our Future
Global Goals - Cultural Heritage

16 January 2022
The ‘Cultural Heritage. Our Roots, our Future’ Project intends to highlight the virtuous interaction between training, research and production through the research and teaching activities of four universities in Emilia-Romagna: Bologna, Ferrara, Modena e Reggio, Parma. These are offering courses focused on the enhancement of cultural heritage through new technologies.
For this reason, the 2-day event foresees the presentation of some case studies, among the various projects developed within the university research laboratories, in order to demonstrate the potential and the results of the interaction between research, technological innovation and production system, particularly in the field of creative and cultural industries sector. Furthermore, the articulated regional training offer is presented, at all levels of university and post-university education, in the context of the enhancement and conservation of cultural heritage (material and intangible) intended as a fundamental resource for the growth of young generations and for development of a democratic and inclusive society.
The project is aimed at an international audience, made up of students and researchers, professionals from the cultural sector, entrepreneurs in the cultural and artistic sector, tourists and also to a wider audience, which may be present at the Dubai Universal Exposition.
Event type
Presentation, Workshop
Italy Pavilion - Academy
Capas – University of Parma, University of Parma
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna Region, ART-ER
16 January 2022
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Personalized medicine: new tools and active policies for prevention, diagnosis and therapy
Health & Wellness - Personalized medicine and biotechnologies
Personalized medicine: new tools and active policies for prevention, diagnosis and therapy
Health & Wellness - Personalized medicine and biotechnologies

28-29 January 2022
The project brings together the universities of Emilia-Romagna and presents their lines of research and proposals in the field of personalized medicine.
The project includes an exhibition path with immersive videos, interactive stations, a theater-science show and workshops that aim to draw attention to the patient-oriented approach of personalized medicine, respectful of differences. This virtuous combination of experiences enhances a concept of beauty capable of bringing together different cultures and geographies.
The visitor will:
- learn the progress of regenerative medicine and gender medicine, aimed at the search for new therapeutic approaches to combat serious diseases, restoring to patients activities and dimensions of their life that were previously inaccessible;
- know the work of doctors and researchers from different scientific areas that make up the supply chain of personalized medicine and who cooperate effectively in Emilia-Romagna to promote the creation of increasingly targeted and effective treatments, promoting the dignity and well-being of the person;
- deepen the study and discoveries concerning DNA, one of the fundamental challenges that scientists and the brightest minds in medicine have faced in the past and continue to confront.
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Event type
Presentation, Show, Workshop
Italy Pavilion - Academy, Italy Pavilion - Amphitheatre
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Parma, Emilia-Romagna Region, ART-ER
28-29 January 2022

8-9 December 2021
Learning by Doing and Interactive Innovation with MUNER- Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna.
Assemble and experience in Augmented Reality a FSAE racing car or motorcycle together with the best students and educators of the Italian Motor Valley.
During the “Learning by doing” experience, visitors will wear last generation helmets for augmented reality, sanitized in compliance with the anti COVID-19 regulations, and will be guided inside a virtual space where they will be able to assemble a FSAE racing car with a fully electric or hybrid powertrain or an electric racing motorcycle.
Transported to the heart of the Motor Valley, where the most prestigious vehicles in the world are built, visitors will be able to appreciate the main differences between the architectures, understand how they work and touch the flow of energy generated by the engine, following it from the source to the road.
Finally, during the “Interactive Innovation” experience, visitors will be transported to a true state-of-the-art anechoic chamber, where they will experience, together with MUNER engineers, how the vehicles behave from the point of view of the vibrations generated by the powertrains, reading the graphs produced during the tests and compare alternative design choices.
Event type
Augmented Reality, Demonstration
Italy Pavilion - Academy, Italy Pavilion - Amphitheatre
MUNER – Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna
Clust-er mech, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Vection Italy srl, ART-ER
8-9 December 2021
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Internet of Things: a journey into the world between connection and knowledge
Health & Wellness - Internet of Things
Internet of Things: a journey into the world between connection and knowledge
Health & Wellness - Internet of Things

27 January 2022
Overcoming the distance, the increased possibility of creating bonds and interacting with the environment around us: the care, therefore, the protection and interaction between objects and human actions
The Internet of Things is a technological paradigm with boundless application potential, able to affect the competitiveness of companies, the efficiency of public administrations and quality of life, but also able to support the change in qualitative and decision-making processes towards sustainability by eliminating inefficiencies of production process or as a support to logistics or management and interaction with the objects that are closest to us.
Exponentially increasing the diffusion of intelligence in objects has allowed and will allow for better interaction and better control of environmental parameters, for example, or medical ones, thus reducing logistical, geographical or social constraints.
The pervasive aspect and the social impact that this area of research will have on society returns and allows the realization of a beauty goal that has man, his relationships and the transversal horizon of his possibilities at its center.
Through videos dedicated to individual aspects of the IoT and direct meetings with Professors and Researchers, the public of the Expo will be brought to the attention of the state of the art of some excellence of the universities of Emilia Romagna and the network of collaboration and interaction present that allow, make effective and bring out the knowledge network, applications and technologies developed.
Event type
Presentation, Workshop
Italy Pavilion - Academy
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
University of Ferrara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Parma, Emilia-Romagna Region, ART-ER
27 January 2022
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