Tipo Evento Generico: Demonstration
Launching of the Agrifood programme: Tasting Event of regional PDO and PGI products from Emilia-Romagna
Food, Agriculture & Livelihoods - Agricoltura 4.0, Tourism
Launching of the Agrifood programme: Tasting Event of regional PDO and PGI products from Emilia-Romagna
Food, Agriculture & Livelihoods - Agricoltura 4.0, Tourism

10 December 2021
Emilia-Romagna Region with the Consortia for the protection of geographical indications, the Network of the four regional Agri-Food Centres, Unioncamere Emilia Romagna, APT servizi, agri-food fairs MACFRUT (Rimini), SANA (Bologna), and CIBUS (Parma), the agri-food park FICO Eataly World (Bologna) with the support of Casa Artusi will welcome importers, distributors, retailers, hotels and cooking schools, at M-Eating Italy the 10th December for a “Tasting Event of regional PDO and PGI products”.
The objective is to promote and strengthen partnerships between the stakeholders of Emilia-Romagna and the main players in the United Arab Emirates in the agri-food sector.
So let’s join us in Expo so that you can taste PDO Parmigiano Reggiano, PDO Traditional Balsamic Vinegar from Modena and Reggio Emilia, PGI Balsamic Vinegar from Modena, PGI Riso del Delta del Po, PDO Extra Vergin Olive Oil of Brisighella, PGI Piadina Romagnola, PDO Aglio di Voghiera, fruits and vegetables and fresh handmade pasta.
Event type
CIBUS Pavilion "M-EAting Italy"
Emilia-Romagna Region
10 December 2021
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Smart Grid and Local Energy Community demonstrator through an immersive serious game
Global Goals - Smart Energy
Smart Grid and Local Energy Community demonstrator through an immersive serious game
Global Goals - Smart Energy

17 January 2022
The growing use of renewable sources for the production of electricity has made it necessary to adopt both an even more ‘intelligent’ management of electricity systems and a greater diffusion of storage systems to cope with the random nature of these sources (solar and wind). In particular, the increasing use of these technologies makes it necessary to manage energy flows coming from generation plants and their temporary storage through skilled professionals.
With a view to representing the triple mandate of universities to provide training, to cultivate scientific research and to promote technology transfer, the Universities elaborated a communication methodology that allows the skills of research groups in the field of “Smart Energy” to be presented to the public of the Italian Pavilion in a simple and captivating way through a serious game. The visitor-player is placed in front of choices to “manage” different situations and scenarios proposed by the game. Based on the choices that are made, the game shows the consequences of these choices and their energy and social impact.
The main targets of this project are high school students, university students, researchers and university professors, professionals working in the field of renewable energy and grid management, representatives of energy policy-making agencies, ordinary citizens interested in the field of energy.
Event type
Demonstration, Interactive Game, Presentation
Italy Pavilion - Academy
University of Ferrara
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Parma, Emilia-Romagna Region, ART-ER
17 January 2022

8-9 December 2021
Learning by Doing and Interactive Innovation with MUNER- Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna.
Assemble and experience in Augmented Reality a FSAE racing car or motorcycle together with the best students and educators of the Italian Motor Valley.
During the “Learning by doing” experience, visitors will wear last generation helmets for augmented reality, sanitized in compliance with the anti COVID-19 regulations, and will be guided inside a virtual space where they will be able to assemble a FSAE racing car with a fully electric or hybrid powertrain or an electric racing motorcycle.
Transported to the heart of the Motor Valley, where the most prestigious vehicles in the world are built, visitors will be able to appreciate the main differences between the architectures, understand how they work and touch the flow of energy generated by the engine, following it from the source to the road.
Finally, during the “Interactive Innovation” experience, visitors will be transported to a true state-of-the-art anechoic chamber, where they will experience, together with MUNER engineers, how the vehicles behave from the point of view of the vibrations generated by the powertrains, reading the graphs produced during the tests and compare alternative design choices.
Event type
Augmented Reality, Demonstration
Italy Pavilion - Academy, Italy Pavilion - Amphitheatre
MUNER – Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna
Clust-er mech, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Vection Italy srl, ART-ER
8-9 December 2021
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